What's the worst that could happen?



Anthony Zumpano writes, works as a content marketer, tells stories, bakes, performs, records music, and wears bow ties.

Anthony Zumpano is available for hire in most of these capacities.

Anthony Zumpano has a master’s degree.

Anthony Zumpano has worked at America Online and Pokémon, among other places.

Anthony Zumpano owns at least three Bundt pans.

Anthony Zumpano has trained at Upright Citizens Brigade and the American Comedy Institute, among other places.

Anthony Zumpano has been a member of more sketch comedy and improv groups than he can count, because he’s too lazy to count past “seven.”

Anthony Zumpano writes short plays and comedy sketches, even shorter fiction, and numerous projects in various states of ideation and completion.

Anthony Zumpano records hip-hop songs that set back the hip-hop movement by several decades.

Anthony Zumpano writes Yelp reviews that exceed the maximum character count.

Anthony Zumpano writes website bios in the third person.